Friday, 19 November 2010

Just Bumbling On

A quick call to the workshops this evening met with the response "just bumbling on". It's been one of those weeks when the job has moved on, but we're still in the thick of things. The bearings which allow the motion to turn are coming on nicely; two of them have now been machined and inserted into the relevant slots in the forged sections of the rods. Restoration Engineer David Pritchard (Daffy) says he still needs to do the wedges to hold them into place.

There has been some noticeable progress with new bits arriving on site. Most of the parts for the new smokebox have arrived on site, so we now have the wrapper plate, the strengthening plates for the bottom and the angle pieces to hold everything together. The bit we don’t have yet is the front plate, which still needs to be ordered.

Will post some pictures when we have them.


Sunday, 14 November 2010


Top of the list of jobs on Russell recently: make THING! Our Restoration Engineer David Pritchard (Daffy) has been working on machining the outsides of the bearings that enable the rods to turn. He explained that the THING! Is basically a piece of metal which enables him to get the bearings to sit in the rods correctly. The bearings are held in place by wedges, and the THING! helps Daffy to make the wedges at the right angle.

If you don’t believe that it really is called the THING! look here:
To see what it looks like, click here:
And to get an idea of why it’s needed, click here:

Daffy has been keeping some more late hours recently, working until 21:00 one evening. He’s also been working in the mess quite a lot sorting out drawings recently, though he also admitted that when he’s in there, his consumption of tea goes up!


Saturday, 30 October 2010

Rods and rolls

Time for a progress update......

Work continues in the machine shops, and the connecting rods now have new end straps. The end straps are pieces of metal in a slightly rectangular U-shape, which hold the bearings in place. They were made by a contractor, and have now been machined and attached to the connecting rods by specially made bolts, as can be seen here:

Fifteen of the sixteen bearing brasses have been machined, though there was a problem with the last one, and it will need to be white metalled again. There’s also been progress on other fronts: the piston rods and the Westinghouse pump rod have been sent for chrome plating and drawings for the brake cylinder have been completed (the locos original brake cylinder is long since lost, and the one it carried from 1987 onwards was too large and was causing damage to other components.)

Away from site, the new plates for the smokebox are being rolled at Brunswick Iron Works in Caernarfon. When these are finished, the boiler can be put back into the frames for the smokebox to be built. The smokebox forms part of the structure of the frames, so needs to be built in situ. Before this, David Pritchard (Daffy) plans to make some minor modifications to the front and rear pony trucks to ease the passage of the locomotive round sharp bends.


Friday, 29 October 2010

Pictures Online

The photo gallery has been updated with a few more random shots of bits of metal. There's even one in there which looks vaguely like a loco. You can find the pictures here:
- (click next to see the rest)


Thursday, 28 October 2010

New Kettles For Old?

It's been a while since we posted anything, but there's been plenty of activity on the ground. Expect an update in the next day or so.

We've also started thinking of new ways to raise money. Someone suggested writing to people or companies with "Russell" in their name. A quick search on the internet, and the top of the list was "Russell Hobbs. Cue all sorts of gags - sell more new kettles and help us restore our old one......


Tuesday, 14 September 2010

Not Back To The Drawing Board

You wouldn't think you could work from home when you have a steam locomotive to rebuild...... Our restoration engineer, David Pritchard (Daffy), has returned from a few days' exile in his living room with only his drawing board for company.

Daffy has been doing engineering drawings so we can move on with the next few stages. He was due to be doing some final checking against the loco today and adding tolerances. But it means we now have a set of drawings for the smokebox which are due to be sent to a firm in Caernarfon, plus drawings for the brake cylinder which will go to an engineering firm in Birmingham, plus drawings for a replacement swing link for the pony trucks. (Daffy isn't happy with the current setup).

The smokebox is likely to be the next thing that we do once the motion is complete, probably towards November. It carries the added excitment of seeing the boiler go back in the frames.

The fundraising effort continues in parallel with the restoration, with e-mails flying back and forward between Ken Farrance (the boss) and everyone else to make sure the address list has been updated. Louise Hall spent most of this afternoon franking around 220 newsletters...... there's still more to go. Her husband made up for not helping with the last stuffing party when he did help with updating the address list!

Saturday, 11 September 2010

Are These Your Boxer Shorts?

Like any railway, the WHHR goes through large amounts of rag...... for cleaning, wiping, polishing and mopping up. Thankfully, members and volunteers are very good at bringing old sheets, towels and clothes down to Porthmadog to keep the rag bins topped up.

David Pritchard (Daffy) was working on the motion the other day and suddenly noticed something about the rag he was using. It seemed to be the remains of a pair of Winnie the Pooh boxer shorts. Click here to have a look.

It started all sorts of speculation about who they once belonged to, why anyone would have bought them and where they came from. On second thoughts, we probably don't want to know the answers......