Tuesday, 14 September 2010

Not Back To The Drawing Board

You wouldn't think you could work from home when you have a steam locomotive to rebuild...... Our restoration engineer, David Pritchard (Daffy), has returned from a few days' exile in his living room with only his drawing board for company.

Daffy has been doing engineering drawings so we can move on with the next few stages. He was due to be doing some final checking against the loco today and adding tolerances. But it means we now have a set of drawings for the smokebox which are due to be sent to a firm in Caernarfon, plus drawings for the brake cylinder which will go to an engineering firm in Birmingham, plus drawings for a replacement swing link for the pony trucks. (Daffy isn't happy with the current setup).

The smokebox is likely to be the next thing that we do once the motion is complete, probably towards November. It carries the added excitment of seeing the boiler go back in the frames.

The fundraising effort continues in parallel with the restoration, with e-mails flying back and forward between Ken Farrance (the boss) and everyone else to make sure the address list has been updated. Louise Hall spent most of this afternoon franking around 220 newsletters...... there's still more to go. Her husband made up for not helping with the last stuffing party when he did help with updating the address list!

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