Sunday, 5 September 2010

Late Nights

Russell is a coal fired engine, but there's been plenty of midnight oil being burned in the last few days with a triple whammy of late nights.

Daffy, our Restoration Engineer, has been working into the evening to machine the bearings for the coupling rods and the connecting rods. They're now nearly ready to have the white metal added - the white metal surface is the bit that actually comes into contact with the moving bits of the crank pins. Late nights in our machine shops can be a bit dark and draughty; once the seasons start to turn, it gets cold quickly in what is an old farm building unless you put the heating on. Thankfully we've had what the locals call "y haf bach", better known as warm sunny weather after the schools go back.

Louise, who does the admin, has been up late stuffing appeal letters into envelopes and trying to get her printer to play ball. She was able to do this in the comfort of her own home, though we note that her husband didn't offer to help. Finally, Wendy has also been up late designing the next newsletter, which needs to be at the printers by tomorrow morning. While the other two do late nights, she doesn't. Happy are those who may profit from the suffering...... or something like that.


UPDATE: we've had a letter back from a contributor, setting up a new standing order. It seems the late nights were worth it!

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